如果有一天 | If

[ 如果有一天 | If ]


自從百年來, 古樓人都是習慣著吃咖喱飯, 吹著鹹海風. 各族不分你我的在咖啡店聊天, 逢有廟誕, 看大戲, 吃鹵肉, 初八晚拜天公, 每初二十九就會拜後面公.

八十年代后, 人口外流. 曾經輝煌的它, 其光輝漸漸被削剪. 而現在的古樓依然一樣. 只是年輕一代的繼續往外而流. 剩下的, 多數都是年長以及小孩.

如今, 科技咨詢發達, 一張上載的網絡社交照片, 迅速間可以在世界各地看到.

就在這兩三年內, 古樓這個名字出現在許多外地人的眼前.周末, 假日, 出開始看見外玻車的涌入, 多數以探索古早味美食而來.

這, 也帶動當地的經濟傚應. 這是好事.

親愛的, 在還沒有讀下一段時, 以下見解如有侵犯請原諒.

當想要去吃一碗面時, 却要花比起平時等待時間還要更久
當想要去吃一碟飯時, 品嘗后卻突然覺得起鎖住記憶的味道被侵略.
當想要去喝一杯飲料時, 然而卻發現價格這麽跟外面大都市的那麽靠近.

轉個灣, 眼前出現格格不入的壁畫或展示牌.
停個車, 有人跟你收泊車費.
下了車, 有人拎著大包小包前往問問要不要買土産.


如果有一天, 古樓變成這樣, 親愛的, 我們會感覺非常痛心.

因爲古樓已經不是因古樓而延續下去, 而是爲了改變而因改變.

或許有人認爲這個鳥不生蛋的地方, 那裏會變成這樣, 不可能的啦!
或許有人認爲, 你以為你是誰? 我要做什麽是我的事, 與你無關!

我們並不是不歡迎外玻人來. 能够與大家分享這個樸素濃郁人情味的地方, 是很高興的.


“如果你還發現一個沒有壁畫, 沒有因旅游而建立大大的展示牌的地方, 那麽, 這個地方在大馬已經算是個寶了; 那麽, 你就該更加珍惜它, 保存它的美麗, 擁護它那不經過任何啄雕的原始美麗.”

親愛的, 您明白嗎?

Kurau is a tiny fishing village.

Since hundreds year ago, the villagers are used to the seafood curry rice, sea breeze, chit-chating at the kopitiam regardless of any races, watching Chinese Opera show, praying the god of sky on the 8th of Chinese New Year, and praying the backyard god on every 29th of lunar calendar.

The local population started decreasing at end of the 80s. The shine had been roughly wiped off. Most youngsters shifting to cities for better careers. What’s left are mostly the elderly and the kids.

Nowadays, with the advance technology, a single picture uploaded on electronic media can be easily spread out thru the world within seconds. The name of Kurau, begins to appear on the eyes of outsiders. The number of non local cars entering the village are getting more especially in the weekends and public holiday, and mainly are searching for the local authentic kampung food.

This, is a good thing, as it trigger the local economy chain., bringing in more income to the local.

Dear love,

Before you continue reading the next paragraphs, do forgive us if any of the below statement offenses you.

When you are trying to order a bowl of noddle, the waiting time seems is much longer than usual.

When you are ordering a plate of rice, the delicious memory seems had been intruded by the awful taste

When you are ordering a glass of drink, you realize that the price is merely close to the figures in city.

A non defining mural painting appears right in front of you after turning into a corner of the street

A person is waiting for you to pay the parking fee when switch off your car’s engine at your destination.

A seller is asking favor to buy the local gift right when you step out of your car.

This, is not a good thing.

Oh, dear, we will be deadly disappointed IF it happen to Kurau in one day.

That is not the way of how Kurau to continue its daily life. It is something that being made to change unwisely to meet the change.

Perhaps, some might think, ” Ahh,, it ain’t gonna be change like that in this shitty place”

Perhaps, some might think, “Who do you think you are, it is non of your business, I can do whatever I want to.”

Please do not get us wrong, we are not saying that we do not welcome the outsiders, instead, we are honor and more than welcome to share this beautiful place with everyone.

A local travel guru did mention before:

” If you found a place where its is not ruined by the mural painting, or a travel-oriented big signboard all around, then it is a rare hidden germ in Malaysia. And so, you must appreciate it, protect its own charm and pamper its natural untouched beauty.”

Dear, do you get the point?

#kualakurau #pleasedonotchangekurau #kurauisahiddengerm #瓜拉古樓 #古樓 #古樓是因爲樸素而美麗

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3 评论

  1. 萧萧梦 23 3 月, 2018
  2. 萧萧梦 23 3 月, 2018
